How to Extend timeout on Excel Client / エクセルクライアントのタイムアウトを延長する裏技

Post date: Apr 02, 2010 3:19:45 PM

Ever wanted to extend the time-out of SiteCatalyst Excel Client?

SiteCatalystのExcel Clientで、データの反映に時間がかかりすぎてタイムアウトしてしまうことはありませんか?



Just click the Earth icon on the left bottom of the Excel window.

Excel 2007

Excel 2003


A second dialog pops-up.  Just wait until the data extract completes, and close the dialog.

What it seems to be doing is to disable a local timeout function which is set to be 5 minutes.  With this second dialog open, the program keeps waiting for the response from SiteCatalyst server until the HTTP connection times out - which presumably is 30 minutes.

